Lightarian™ Angel Links Attunements
Lightarian™ Angel Links
The Lightarian™ Angel Links are transmitted in the form of guided meditation. The Attunements can be received in person, by telephone or remotely. Immediately after attunement, you will be fully activated and prepared to transmit this angel link to others.
The Seraph Aura Rose™ angel link can be received by anyone with no prerequisites, this first connection with the angelic realms is the basis for receiving the four links of the Archangels.
PS. Manuals are provided and posted by Beyond the Light center. If you wish to be registered with the Lightarian Institute, you will need to pay an additional $34.00 (plus shipping costs) to purchase the manuals from the official representative of the Lightarian Institute of Canada.
All Attunements: $250.00 CAD
Seraph Aura Rose Angel Link™
The Seraph Aura Rose Angel Link can be received by anyone without prerequisites, this first connection with the angelic realms is the basis for receiving the four angel links of the Archangels.
Long considered the highest level of angels, Seraphim are now available to assist us along our spiritual path to elevate us into the Light. A Seraph by the name of Aura Rose became known for sharing the purest angelic quality of “unconditional love” to humanity. Through this Angel Link “an angelic flame of unconditional love” will be placed in the space of your heart. This flame radiates through your energy fields and ripples throughout all areas of your life. Afterwards, the Seraph Aura Rose will act in the “background” as an angelic guide to assist you with everything related to the space of your heart, such as the expansion of unconditional love for yourself and for others.
Cost: $105.00 CAD
Archangel Michael Angel Link™
Focuses on themes of "non-judgment" and "interaction" in the etheric realms (through telepathy, channeling, conscious etheric travel etc.). Michael was the first Archangel to offer his Angel Link, a symbolic representation of the purest energies of the crown chakra that Michael wishes to infuse into the energy fields of humans. The symbol he uses is the halo! In this case, it is an angelic halo of unique mental purity that facilitates the experience of non-judgment in all areas of your life. It will serve as a symbolic reminder of your connection with Archangel Michael who will serve as your angelic guide into the etheric realms.
Cost: 65,00$ CAD
Archangel Raphael Angel Link™
Archangel Raphael has made himself known to support us with an infusion of “angelic courage” and “divine healing.” The symbol he uses is a “torch of angelic light” to help “light” your path. With Raphael's help, through this Angel Link, you will be able to more easily recognize challenges and obstacles, and you will see more clearly the spiritual opportunities and rewards available to you. As you increase the light on your path in the future, a sense of divine and angelic courageous action will come more naturally to you. The Angel Link of Archangel Raphael will also provide you with support in your healing process. He is known as a “Divine Healer” and he will help you discover the “Divine Healer” within you.
Cost: 65.00 CAD
Archangel Uriel Angel Link™
Archangel Uriel provides us with an infusion of “angelic beauty” that will enable us to enhance “the feminine side of beauty” through an intensified sense of appreciation and “the masculine side of beauty” through the stimulation of your talents. through creative expression. Through this connection, Archangel Uriel can help you by increasing your abilities to express beauty in everything you think, say or do. It can also help stimulate your creative and artistic expression in many forms. For this Angel Link of Archangel Uriel, the symbol given to you is "a heart-shaped gift box", which is etherically installed in your heart space and which will serve as a reminder for this connection with him. The heart space is an important portal for the flow of beauty and creativity within and outside of us. So, metaphorically, this “gift box” placed in your heart is where you will hold the energies of Uriel: of beauty, appreciation and creative expression.
Cost: $65.00 CAD
Archangel Gabriel Angel Link™
Archangel Gabriel is focused on “joy” and “communications”! It teaches us to take the time to recognize the existing joys that abound and to manifest new levels of joy in our everyday lives. It can help you find what “makes your heart sing” and offer you inner divine inspiration during times when there seems to be very little. Gabriel is also known as a great communicator of the divine. It can therefore help you with inner communications to access your “knowledge” and your “intuition” and to communicate more effectively on a daily basis. He is also an announcer and bringer of good news. It is known to announce to us the arrival of new energies that are beginning to flow into our overall human energy system to prepare us for our next spiritual leap.
Cost: 65,00$ CAD