Lightarian™ Rays Attunements

Lightarian™ Rays
The first five Rays accelerate your spiritual development through:
The first five Lightarian Rays are series of initiations transmitted through guided meditation. Each creates a powerful and permanent connection for you with one of the ascended masters. Each ray is an “initiation event” an extraordinary “energetic” treatment in your chakras, subtle bodies and brings you a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical transformation in your life. Once this rapport is established, the particular master works with you energetically “in the background” to support an essential aspect of your spiritual self-development. After receiving the ray attunements, you accelerate your spiritual path more quickly and effectively, with more grace and joy than you would naturally feel.
The sixth ray, the Source Ray, elevates you further in the global human unfolding process of ascension.
Training and Initiation
You can receive attunements to the Lightarian Rays as a master/teacher or as a client.
After receiving the initiation, you will be immediately prepared and authorized to teach your own students and clients. A training manual and certificate will be given to you. You will be registered with the Lightarian Institute.
At each initiation, a permanent link is established with each of the ascended masters. A training manual will be given to you for each particular attunement as well as instructions to prepare you for initiation.
All Lightarian Rays attunements can be received in person, by telephone, or remotely, as a master/teacher or client.
Lightarian Rays™ is a registered trademark of the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation.
Complete training - Master/Teacher: $400.00 CAD
Complete training - Client: $200.00 CAD
PS. The manuals are provided by the Beyond The Light Center. If you wish to be registered with the Lightarian Institute, you will have to pay an additional $78.00 (plus shipping costs) to purchase the manuals from the official representative of the Lightarian Institute of Canada.

Lightarian™ Empowerment Ray
Inspired by the ascended master Maitreya, the Ray of Power is the starting point for the process of spiritual awakening and is a prerequisite for receiving the other rays. The Ray of Power stimulates a “spiritual calling” of the highest order. This ray will allow you to deepen your “sense of Self” giving you a clearer understanding of “who you are” and “why you are here”.
Maître/Enseignant: 100,00$ CAD
Client: 50,00$ CAD