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Reiki level I… “Calling all” The first level of Reiki is like “a door to a Heavenly ark” leading the Being towards multiple paths of learning and guiding the Being to its own realization. Teaching takes place during 2 consecutive meetings, “two days” intensively. The person learns the origin of Reiki, receives four transmissions of Energy which create an opening, an alignment, a stabilization of the channel and allows this frequency of Sacred Energy to manifest through the imposition of hands on oneself or for others. The student will learn the five principles of Life and will experiment with the different hand positions to perform during a personal, private and group transmission. All beings who desire it can receive the Sacred teaching, regardless of age, condition and situation. Even children can receive it, however the teaching will be adapted to the age of the child "eg: from 3 years to 12 years plan four consecutive meetings of 45 to 60 minutes depending on the child." Reiki level 1 includes: training, 4 initiatory phases, experimentation, practice and delivery of the Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho level I certificate.

Reiki I Class

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