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The Seraph Aura Rose angelic link can be received by anyone without prerequisites, this first connection with the angelic realms is the basis for receiving the four angelic links of the Archangels. Long considered the highest level of angels, Seraphim are now available to assist us along our spiritual path to elevate us into the Light. A Seraph by the name of Aura Rose became known for sharing the purest angelic quality of "unconditional love" to humanity. Through this angelic link “an angelic flame of unconditional love” will be placed in the space of your heart. This flame radiates through your energy fields and ripples throughout all areas of your life. Afterwards, the Seraph Aura Rose will act in the “background” as an angelic guide to assist you with everything related to the space of your heart, such as the expansion of unconditional love for yourself and for others. The Lightarian™ Angelic Connections are transmitted in the form of guided meditation. The induction can be received in person, by telephone or remotely. Immediately after initiation, you will be fully activated and prepared to transmit this angelic connection to others.

Lightarian Angel Links - Seraph Aura Rose Attunement

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